E-commerce - Integration

Automate your address entry and package description through an integration with your e-commerce system.

Shipping should be quick & easy!

Fraktjakt offers several different services for e-retailers, where you who have an online store can easily connect your customers' orders to optional shipping services directly into Fraktjakt's TMS system. Whether you use Our Easy order import, one of our existing shipping modules for webshops or create your own custom shipping solution through our Open API.

Who use Fraktjakt?

To get inspiration on how Fraktjakt integration can look for your customers, you can visit a couple of the online stores that already use Fraktjakt today.

Sample of webshops that integrates with Fraktjakt

Customized integration

If you require a unique integration with your own shipping system or with other features, then you're welcome to use our open API free of charge.

Use Fraktjakt's API to integrate with your IT system

Easy order import

The easiest and quickest way to connect your webshop or business system with Fraktjakt is through our Easy Order Import.

The Order Import is completely free of charge for Fraktjakt+ customers and no complicated installation is needed. Get started today!

Leap to an easier order import!

How to get started?

1. Registrera företaget som webbutiken ska tillhöra.
2. Se till att sätta Fraktintegration till 'Ja' i registreringsformuläret.

After the registration you can either activate our Easy Order import, install any of our shipping modules below or get started programming your own customized intergration!

Shipping services

Bind inte fast dig eller dina kunder vid bara en fraktleverantör.

Shipping modules for e-commerce and business systems/ERP

Fraktjakt offers complete shipping modules for several webshop systems, business systems and programming languagues.

Can't find your system?

If your ecommerce system is missing from this list, then you may always create a custom integration with Fraktjakt's open API.
Fraktjakt's API manual, in swedish
Detailed information about Fraktjakt's open API with example code.
Fraktjakt's API manual, in English
Detailed information about Fraktjakt's open API with example code.
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