With Fraktjakt's free account you pay only for what you are using, not a penny more. Our user accounts have no startup costs, no subscription fees and no hidden fees. You decide if you want more and can then upgrade to a more customized shipping with our premium subscription Fraktjakt+ or Individual Contracts to be able to use your own shipping contracts with Fraktjakt TMS.
Fraktjakt's basic accounts are completely free to register and use. There are no hidden nor monthly fees. The only thing that you need to pay for are your actual shipment purchases. In addition, you get a good discount on the shipping price!
If you ever grow out of our basic account and need more functions, Fraktjakt also offers support for your indidual shipping contracts and our premium service Fraktjakt+ with industry-unique solutions that simplify and speed up your freight management further, but these are voluntary and not required to use Fraktjakt.
We offer affordable shipping, domestic and foreign, where you can utilize our prenegotiated shipping contracts with major bulk discounts already from start.
If you already have favorable shipping contracts, it is also possible to use
your own Individual shipping contracts with Fraktjakt's transportation management system.
If you are applying as a private individual, VAT is included in the price, but if you are applying as a company, the price is displayed without VAT. There is always a text above or below the prices that tells whether the prices include VAT or not.
Unlike other transport systems and freight brokers, Fraktjakt shows the entire freight price, all inclusive. Including all surcharges such as DMT, fuel surcharges / fuel charges, metropolitan surcharges, notification fees, bulk / large package surcharges, seasonal surcharges and other mandatory surcharges that are always otherwise added to the actual shipping cost that you are invoiced.
This way you avoid unnecessary surprises and have a better opportunity to plan and optimize your expenses.