
Fraktjakt can automatically handle your booking of pickup for the shipments that include pickup.

Since 2008

Fraktjakt started in 2008 as a clean comparison site, comparing shipping and delivery times. In 2009, Fraktjakt was appointed the Web Entrepreneur of the Year by the Internetworld magazine.

Today, ten years later, we provide a full-scale TA system where we help both individuals and companies in their transportation management. Fraktjakt has launched many industry-unique solutions where new smart features are continuously incorporated into the service to facilitate and improve our customers' shipping experience.

We are currently collaborating with all major shippers like Posten, Schenker, DHL, Privpak, Bussgods, FedEx, UPS, NTEX Inrikes and others, where we have many unique transportation management solutions.

How is Fraktjakt operated?

The site Fraktjakt.se is based on a unique proprietary platform. The site is independently owned and operated by the company Fraktjakt AB, and is a free service for anyone looking for better and more personal shipping.


Loggan är fri att använda för redaktionellt bruk. Som källa ska alltid Fraktjakt AB anges. Loggan får inte användas i något annat sammanhang utan ett skriftligt tillstånd från Fraktjakt AB.

Download the logo as
White Bitmapped Transparent WEBP,
White Vectorized Transparent SVG,
Dark Bitmapped Transparent WEBP,
Dark Vectorized Transparent SVG

Riktlinjer för logotyp

When our Logo is used, proper spatial margins ensure a strong presence and show confidence and respect for the brand.
  • Do not change the logo in an unspecified color or combination of colors.
  • Do not scretch while resizing the logo.
  • Do not use the logo other than Horizontally.
  • Do not attempt to recreate the logo.
  • Do not use the logo as a repeated pattern.
  • Do not apply graphical elements such as drop shadow or glow.
  • Do not use the wrong logo color on a background without proper contrast.


C85% M11% Y0% K15%
R 0 G 188 B 216
C74% M17% Y0% K26%
R 0 G 144 B 188
C95% M37% Y36% K6%
R 0 G 106 B 130
C20% M10% Y0% K78%
R 6 G 31 B 56
C5% M2% Y0% K93%
R 3 G 12 B 17

Press photos

Ladda ner högupplöst pressbilder genom att klicka på bildlänkarna nedanför.

Bilderna är fria att använda för redaktionellt bruk. Som källa ska alltid Fraktjakt AB anges.
Bilderna får inte användas i något annat sammanhang utan ett skriftligt tillstånd från Fraktjakt AB.

Fraktjakt firar 10 år, 2008-2018.

Fraktjakts fysiska fraktbutik i Jönköping.

Bild på grundarna. (Från vänster: Jim Mulshine, Joakim Ekström, Kelly Quirk)


12/17/2012  Skicka Pall genom Fraktjakt
05/08/2012  Fraktjakt Experten lanserad
01/15/2011  Fraktjakt modul för osCommerce - ny version
11/11/2010  Fraktjakt gör RadioReklam
11/09/2010  Emballage behöver inte vara brunt
08/27/2010  Guldenen 2009/2010 tilldelas
06/10/2010  Fraktjakt på Youtube
11/12/2009  Fraktjakt lanserar e-handelmodul
03/23/2009  Fraktjakt årets skarpaste entreprenör
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Read more about Fraktjakt's privacy policy.

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